Pulling Inspiration From The Earth
It must be all this rain, but lately I've been out exploring the property and getting really excited for all the mushrooms popping up. Here in Northern California, where we have been suffering from a drought, you don't get mushrooms until the rains come, and last year...there was practically NO rain. So you can understand my excitement when we have already had a number of inches of precipitation in this first week or so of January.
As a result, I've really started paying attention to the process of growth. Specifically in the way the mushroom takes matter that has decomposed down to its base components and uses that matter to grow into something weird, fascinating, and magical.
So I've started making art with, quite literally mushrooms, and the mushroom as my inspiration. I have absolutely no idea how this series is going to progress, but as you can see below I've already begun on a few pieces. With the ideas I have on finalizing these works, I'm pretty confident that this collection may very well morph into something bigger.
Stay tuned for more progress shots!