Living In A Macro World

The macro world has always been fascinating to me. When I first got my macro lens, almost 10 years ago, I spent hours on my hands and knees exploring just a 1' x 1' square of grass outside my back door. How much life exists on such a small patch of earth! Ants turn into giants, flowers grow to trees, and pebbles become insurmountable mountains. 

It's been a while since I've used my macro lens and seeing how I told myself I would explore more with my Canon this year, I decided to take it out for a spin. I enjoy the fixed nature of the lens and its shallow depth of field and most of the time I will use those aspects to help dictate what I end up shooting. This time around I managed to capture some pretty cool shots of dew drops suspended on spider webs, I found the minute entrance to a subterranean burrow, and poked around with a couple of juvenile red-bellied newts. All-in-all I'm pretty happy I was guided to pick up my macro's proving to be much more fun than I had anticipated! Maybe I'll do a Macro-Monday and start doing more macro studies each week....hmmm......anyway, Enjoy!