Caught On Candid Camera
It started because someone has been pooping on our back deck.....
Ok, maybe not someone, but SOMETHING has been pooping on our back deck. Living in a rural setting offers the opportunity for a number of wildlife sightings, but I've found that it's really difficult to catch a Poop Bandit in the action without a little help.
Enter: The Stealth Camera
Pretty much one of the coolest Christmas present I've gotten (thanks Mom & Dad!). Since tying it to a tree by my back deck in early January, not only have I caught the culprit (ahem....bobcat...), but the Stealth Cam has managed to catch a host of other animals!
Visitors to the back deck include: a bobcat, grey fox, raccoon, a feral house cat that we've never seen around here, and lots of deer legs.
Since it was pretty much established who the poopitrator was not long after putting the camera up I decided it was not time to tour the woods around and start stalking some well used animal trails. I've started by putting it in the field next to the house, a popular hangout for Jane Doe and her twins. Not only did I happen to capture photos of them, but also got a shot of a fox, a skunk, and found out one of our bucks lost an antler.
I think I'm pretty much in love with the Stealth Cam. I've just reset it to video to see what kind of quality it has in that respect.
Stay tuned for future Stealth Camera updates!
Testing the angle....
The Poopitrator...
BIG raccoon...
"What you lookin' at?...."