The Texture Of Grass
Has it really been 4 years since I’ve left a post on this blog?
Yeah, disregard that date above. It’s actually May 12, 2020. My how the time flies when you’re having fun.
Of course I get it all in my head that I’m going to keep up with the daily/weekly writing. That this was going to be my “new thing” to help keep me on track, disciplined and finally I might just follow through with SOMETHING…. but no…. Procrastination rears its ugly head and then life gets in the way.
Am I back to posting regularly? I’d like to think so… but the truth is… I’ll probably fall off again.
[Not that many people were reading this when I was posting 4 years ago anyway]
No matter! I’ll just start right back up and see how long I can go this time! It’s actually pretty funny to look back and see the number of “draft posts” I’d begun in, what seems to be the spring of ‘16, judging by the photos still locked and loaded to post. Like the ones below of the spring grasses here in Sonoma. I remember I was going to write something flowery about the texture of the grass and wax poetic about springtime in the countryside.
Of course I never did.
Since then I’ve developed such horrific allergies that flare up in spring and I don’t know if I’d feel the same about what I would have written on the grasses, as I currently feel about them now….. which amounts to a giant middle finger. With all the mowing and weed-whacking last week I was literally laid out with bloodshot eyes, clogged sinuses, and scratchy throat. Definitely NOT symptoms you want to be having in the middle of a pandemic, that’s for sure.
…..but they are beautiful though…. I’ll give grass that…